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Nikki from Co2BL

I love to read and I try to write witty and spunky reviews with my partner in crime ~ my other half of the '2' in Co2BL :) If I don't have my kindle or a book in my hands, it's most likely filled with my camera :)
Just Ask - Mia Downing For my first ever M/M book, this was perfect! I was a little apprehensive going in, not really knowing what to expect or if I was pushing my boundaries too far. I'm really glad I took the chance because this book is so good. I really liked this authors writing style and I felt the characters were so well developed, very relatable. I found myself a little choked up whenever Blake (the deceased half uncle) was brought up. And the relationship between Jordan And Ryan was wonderful. Even though things happened rather quickly, it worked! The sexxy times were what I was mostly worried about. I'm no stranger to erotic love scenes, but this was my first without a female present. While I don't see myself going out to devour every m/m book I can find, I won't shy away from a book just because of this anymore. In other words, the sex scenes didn't scare me off! :) I also liked that while there was some blazing hot sex, there was a serious story line, with depth, goin on! Very well done!